Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Holy Week Reflection


     Here is a link for a You Tube recording of
one of my favorite choral pieces. 
(I'm sorry that it may include a commercial on you-tube, 
but you can tell it to skip the ad.)
       The translation is:  We sit down in tears and call to you in the grave: 
rest in peace, peacefully rest,rest in peace, peacefully rest! 
Rest your exhausted limbs! Rest in peace! 
Your grave and tombstone will be a comfortable pillow 
and a resting place for the soul and for the fearful mind.
Filled with pleasure, the eyes can sleep there. 
We sit down in tears and call to you in the grave. 
Rest in peace, peacefully rest.  

       The music during Holy Week is so tragic and haunting. This is only the second year, in my entire life, that I haven't had a church affiliation. I really miss the frantic, feverish rehearsals, where we would combine the somber music of Lent and Holy Week with the joyous, very elaborate music for Easter Sunday. Resurrection Sunday was one day that I could always expect a nervous stomach!
      My dad was a bass in the church choir, and we both sang in the adult group when I was in high school. He loved to sing the bass part just about any time. I remember once, the choir was preparing to sing The Seven Last Words of Christ by Theodore Dubois. Dad especially loved the movement that went: "He is death guilty! He is death guilty! Take him! Take him! Let us crucify him!" He sang it while swinging my brother back and forth, only changing the words to "Take him! Take him! Throw him in the water!" What fun! 

    My father was a staunch Christian, as a youth, and continued to attend church for most of his life. There came a time, though, when he turned his back on his faith. During the last few years of his life, when he was already symptomatic for Huntington's Disease, he decided that he wasn't going to continue to be a believer. His mother, a very prayerful woman, was very unhappy with my father's choice, but she knew that it was part of the disease. She continued to pray for his soul, even after he died.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

My "New and Improved" Brain Basket

I've noticed that there has been a great deal of interest shown in my previous blog, "My Brain Basket." Recently, I have made a few changes in the supplements that I take, so here is an updated list. 

Doctors are still reluctant to pass this information on to the hopeful HD population. These supplements, along with exercise, give me the feeling that I am taking control of my HD self! At this point, I don't follow any special diet, and I am still on the heavy side. Maybe that has something to do with my late onset of symptoms. There is a Facebook site dealing with HD and Proper Nutrition/Exercise/Lifestyle, from which I have gotten some great ideas.

Here is my new list of supplements, and where they can be purchased:

  •  Concrete Creatine - Take one capsule daily

  •   Coconut Oil Capsules Source Naturals - I buy from Vitamin Shoppe. At this time, I take 2 capsules daily. A full dose is 4 capsules, but I also use some coconut oil in cooking.

  •   Trehalose (Neurocoat) - 4-5 tsp. daily - I buy from Brooklyn Premium online. Halo Brand trehalose water is also available at your local Meijer

  •   Blueberry IQ (Fruit Fast) - 2 tablets daily (equal to one cup blueberries)-I buy from Brownwood Acres

  •   Turmeric - 450 mg daily - I purchase from Costco. 

  •    Pearl Probiotic - one tablet daily - I purchase from any pharmacy.

  •   Vitamin E - 400 I.U. - 1 tablet daily - I buy the Kirkland brand.

  •   Celexa Antidepressant (SSRI) - You need a prescription for this.

  •   Fish Oil - Fish oil is very important, and I take 4,000 mg daily.

  •   Krill Oil (concentrated fish oil) - 1 gelcap daily.